Sunday, August 22, 2021

Interpreting Data Presentation


 The link for downloading is here:


This resource covers the "Interpreting Data" part of the Higher Applications of Mathematics Statistics course.

Example of a slide on using the mean
Example Slide

The material was made to be delivered over the course of a week.


I've designed this Powerpoint to be used in tandem with Scholar and my textbook. You will see references to exercisesfrom these resources.

Material from Skew the Script has been used under license CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.




Higher Applications Textbook Questions for Statistics

 Hello and welcome!


Update: I have now added a 10th chapter on completing hypothesis tests!

You can download my questions here:

An example of a question featuring a histogram
Textbook Style Statistics Questions

You can set questions online through Itempool, here:

These questions were designed for students to complete using a computer and R Studio.

 There are 9 chapters covering the Statistics part of the course:

1 Tree Diagrams
2 Venn Diagrams
3 Types of Data
4 Graphs and Charts
5 Scatterplots and Linear Relationships
6 Outliers, Averages and Spread
7 Fitting Linear Regression, Predicting and Trends
8 Hypothesis Testing and Con fidence Intervals
9 Hypothesis Tests and Errors


I've included answers at the end of each chapter. I have made the answers as detailed as I can, so that struggling students can read them and better understand the problems. Often I include bits of R code in the answers.

Feedback is welcome - there's bound to be the odd typo (or serious error!) somewhere so please do let me know.
